The post-conviction relief process in Oregon is an alternative way to challenge a conviction. Most convictions are challenged through the appeal process. However, the appeal process only involves a review of the legal rulings made by the trial court judge. An appeals...
In Your Corner

Criminal Defense
The importance of your right to remain silent
When you are arrested or in a situation involving police, you are often wondering what rights you have. You might be thinking of more active rights, such as your right to speak with an attorney. However, one of your most important rights does not involve doing or...
How a deposition could make or break your case
As we’ve discussed previously on the blog, there are several defense strategies that you can utilize in a domestic violence case. This includes arguing self-defense, attacking witness credibility, and highlighting lack of evidence to prove the offense’s statutory...
Oregon courts overloaded with expungement cases
If you are getting impatient while waiting for your expungement case to go forward, you are not alone. Oregon courts are currently dealing with huge backlogs in their expungement systems. According to news reports, the problem stems largely from a law that went into...
Do any of these DUI defenses apply to your case?
A DUI conviction in Oregon comes with serious consequences that most people cannot afford. When you have been charged with a DUI, you might feel hopeless and assume there is no way to beat it, but there are some common DUI defense strategies that are often used to...
Oregonians should take domestic assault charges seriously
Many people who have otherwise clean criminal records may find themselves involved in a domestic disturbance. Whenever police come to break up an altercation between spouses or other family members, there is always a chance that they will choose to arrest someone for...
How to act at a police or immigration stop
Being stopped by the police or immigration officers can be a terrifying experience. Many times, people end up saying too much or saying things they should not, out of fear or anxiety. Police or immigration officers sometimes use this to their advantage, trying to use...
The consequences of an Oregon criminal conviction
If you’ve been accused of criminal wrongdoing, then you’re probably stressed about what the ramifications could be if you’re convicted. It’s a legitimate concern, as the impact of your criminal conviction can be wide-ranging and long-lasting. To see the importance of...
Four tactics used by the police to get you to talk
In a lot of criminal cases, including those involving allegations of domestic violence, accused individuals end up convicted based on the statements they made to the police. That might seem hard to believe, but the police use all sorts of tactics to trick individuals...
Witness credibility in domestic violence cases
Allegations of domestic violence can wreak havoc on your life. They can threaten you with incarceration, but they can also have an impact on other areas of your life, such as your ability to find and keep a job as well as maintain meaningful contact with your...